Care, a communication app.

Care is an iOS mobile app that streamlines communication between busy healthcare professionals so they can conveniently stay connected regarding mutual patients.

Cover image of Care.
End-to-end UX/UI designer
Made interdisciplinary collaboration between healthcare professionals seamless and easy by alleviating the biggest barriers to communication - the time and effort it takes to communicate.
Drawing from personal experience
It all started with a question I would often get from patients during the time I worked as a physiotherapist.
“Did my doctor not tell you?”
One of the barriers I’ve experienced as a healthcare provider was ensuring proper collaboration between myself and other providers involved in my patient’s health journey. But this wasn’t as easy as it should be.

Whenever I tried to reach out to a patient’s family doctor or even other professionals they have seen in the past, there was often no way to reach them conveniently and directly.
The challenge was clear from the start...
Asking the target users
I conducted one-on-one interviews with 3 healthcare professionals to discuss in depth the current state of interdisciplinary collaboration in the healthcare space.
What are the biggest barriers to healthcare professionals staying connected?
These were the 4 clear themes & insights extracted from research.
Limited Access
Direct contact information of healthcare professionals is hard to find, and the person may not be available when called.
No Good Medium
There is no good communication medium through which healthcare professionals can stay
connected in the community.
Time & Effort
Engaging in communication with other healthcare professionals adds additional work and is often
Lack of Standard
There is a lack of standards on how healthcare professionals in the community can communicate with each other and stay connected.
Main theme: Time & Effort
I chose Time & Effort as the main theme, as it included the most amount of pain points when synthesizing the interview findings.
It was also a sentiment that all my interviewees echoed, regardless of profession or years of experience.
I revised the design challenge to reflect the main theme...
The Persona
Meet Daniel.

Daniel is a physiotherapist who believes that collaboration with other professionals is paramount for providing the highest quality of care for his patients. However, trying to communicate with other professionals often adds additional work on top of his already busy schedule. As a result, collaboration does not happen as often as he would like.
Care persona.
How can I ease the workload for busy Daniel by helping him communicate with other healthcare professionals both quickly and conveniently?
From strategy to design
To meet Daniel’s goal of communicating with other professionals in a timely and efficient manner, instant communication was a key feature to include in my solution.
With this key feature in mind, a task flow was born.
Care task flow.
Once the task flow was complete, it was finally time to ideate solutions! I started with exploratory pen and paper sketches, in order to consider a breadth of potential solutions that can later be transformed into a digital wireframe.
After multiple iterations, the final solution sketch of the task was complete...
Care lo-fi sketches.
...which were then transformed into the first iteration of a grayscale digital wireframe.
Care mid-fidelity wireframe.
Test, iterate, repeat
Once the mid-fidelity prototype was ready, it was time to put the solution to test.

The prototype was put through 2 rounds of Usability Testing. Each round consisted of 5 tests with 5 different testers. I conducted all tests with practicing healthcare professionals to receive most relevant feedback, as they will be the target users of the app.
Usability Testing Round 1
Summary of findings:
Care deign revisions after usability testing round 1.
Usability Testing Round 2
Summary of findings:
Care deign revisions after usability testing round 2.
The final design
Once the prototype passed the usability test, it was time to bring it to life with the final high-fidelity treatments. When creating a visual identity, I followed these brand adjectives that are well-aligned with the product’s target population. Just like my persona Daniel, I wanted Care to feel professional, collaborative, and interactive.
Finally! I can rest knowing Daniel can now connect with other healthcare professionals with just a tap of a thumb.
What did I learn?
  1. There is a reason for everything.
    Throughout the process, I had a rationale for every big and small design decision I made. Some decisions were high level (e.g. outlining assumptions of the entire project) and some decisions were more granular (e.g. deciding the spacing between elements in the UI) but one thing was clear – there is no decision made without reason when it comes to a well-designed product. And always, the user was at the centre of the decision making process.
  2. Don’t just trust the designer, trust the users.
    The feedback I gained through user testing were monumental in optimizing the user experience of my product. Testers were able to provide feedback on items I would not have considered alone. Going through the User Testing process was a humbling experience in the best way possible.